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 Fake Your Death

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The Sharpest Lives

Sexe : Féminin
Posts : 1005
Age : 34
Localisation : Chambéry (73)
Inscription : 28/07/2009

Fake Your Death Empty
MessageSujet: Fake Your Death   Fake Your Death Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Fév 2014 - 12:39

Some people watch, some people pray
But even lights can fade away
Some people hope, some people pay
But why we have to stay

Cause even here, we're scared to bruise
Or any misery you choose
You like to watch, we like to use
And we were born to lose

I choose defeat, I walk away
And leave this place for sane today
Some like to sleep, we like to play
Just look at all that pain

You want the heart and to be saved
But even good guys still get paid
So watch your back and keep the blade
I think it got you laid

So fake your death, oh it's your blame
And leave the lights on when you stay
Take off your clothes and dream and fade
Come on and feel that shame

I choose defeat, I walk away
And leave this place for sane today
We like to sleep, we like to play
Just look at all that pain

Just look at all that pain

Just look at all that pain
Just look at all that pain
Just give me all that pain
Just give me all that pain
Just give me all that pain

I choose defeat, I walk away
And leave this place for sane today
Some like to sleep, we like to play
Just look at all that pain
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